Category Archives: Local Artists

More life drawing?

Yeah so every couple of week we are given a new project this one is life drawing, we are having lots of classes with models, but we are also sent out a lot to draw in public. Here’s some of … Continue reading

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Hello back from the deadd

we are back and at university! Here’s some pics of what we’re doing this first week

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New plushie

Had this UFO (Un Finished Object) that I’ve been trying to work on since last Christmas, and I decided to finally finish it. I also got it done before the hypothetical deadline I gave myself! So here, let me stop … Continue reading

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Life drawings I’ve done this year

I tend to always carry a little sketchbook around with me whenever I go out, so these are a few of my favorite sketchs.

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My Final Major Project done!

These are my recipe cards I made for my last year at college. I used both old and new recipes that made an impact on my life.

Posted in Comics, Crafts, Digital Art, Handmade, Local Artists, Prints, School Project, Watercolour | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Repeat patterns from my most recent project!

I’m making a set of recipe cards for my final exam and these lovely patterns are going to feature on the backs of the cards!

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Christmas break art

I was going through some of my older art and I decided to try and refine this ghost painting.

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Most recent project

Hello hello! Been a bit busy with school, but here’s some of the stuff I’ve been working on!

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Watercolor paintings!

Here are the watercolors that I was working on in my last post!

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A little behind the scenes!

I have been working on some fun Autumn themed watercolors to celebrate my favorite season!

Posted in Crafts, Handmade, Local Artists, Personal Project, Uncategorized, Watercolour | Tagged , , | Leave a comment